Un día en mi cabeza_Santi Balmes

Un día en mi cabeza_Santi Balmes

Un día en mi cabeza. Santi Balmes. Lunwerg Editores Cover and interior illustrations. Collage to Change the World L’art du collage au féminin Un fantasma en la garganta Barcelona Metròpolis_Ajuntament de BCN Un día en mi cabeza_Santi Balmes Eternos 27_ Ma non Troppo...
Eternos 27_ Ma non Troppo

Eternos 27_ Ma non Troppo

Eternos 27. El club de los malditos. Ma non Troppo (Redbooks) David Luna / Rebeka Elizegi Book that collects the meteoric careers of the musicians of the “27 Club”. Collage to Change the World L’art du collage au féminin Un fantasma en la garganta...


ADN Number 4 of the Balearic fanzine ADN. In the space “Una imatge en tres relats” (An image in three stories) the illustration has not been created to illustrate an existing text, but based on the image, we invite three authors to write about it. No Results Found The...
Ethos Mental

Ethos Mental

Ethos Mental Illustrations for ETHOS MENTAL, bioética para re-pensar la salud mental, a book by Paola Buedo, published by Editorial Prometeo. No Results Found The page you requested could not be found. Try refining your search, or use the navigation above to locate...
Le Monde Diplomatique

Le Monde Diplomatique

LE MONDE DIPLOMATIQUE /11-2021 This piece from my “Alpha Male” series illustrates the article “When the état paie pour disparaître”. No Results Found The page you requested could not be found. Try refining your search, or use the navigation above to locate the...